Overall Performance by Month​

Bombela, Gautrain's Concessionaire, carries out the operation of the Gautrain System and its performance is monitored and reported monthly.

The table below shows the performance of the System in the key ar​eas of, inter alia, train and bus service levels and safety. It also shows security performance on stations, buses and trains and asset cleanliness and conditions.​

For the years 2014 - 2018 stats please click here

PP1 - Train Operational Service Group (Jan 2024)


Train Service Availability

Monthly percentage of actual Train trips less early starts to all scheduled trips in any day of any Contract Month.
98.00% 99.88%

Train Service Punctuality

Monthly percentage of actual less late trips less early starts to all actual trips in any day any Contract Month. All scheduled services shall arrive at the destination station not more than three (3) minutes later than scheduled.
94.00% 99.07%

Train Overcrowding Management - Off Peak / Weekend / PPH

Number of Times the Rail Service Capacity Utilization in the most crowded link during the off-peak most crowded hour exceeds 105% of the scheduled Rail Service Capacity provided by the Operating Plan.
3 0

Train Overcrowding Management - Peak Hours

Rail Service Capacity Utilization in the most crowded link during the peak most crowded hour as a percentage of the scheduled Rail Service Capacity provided by the Operating Plan.
3 0

PP2 - Feeder and Distribution Service Group


Dedicated Feeder & Distribution Service Availability

Percentage of actual trips less early starts to all scheduled trips on average in any Contract Month. Failure to run means that the journey is cancelled. (*Re-Asses after 6 months after Phase 2 Bedding in Period)
99.00% 99.96%

Dedicated Feeder & Distribution Service Punctuality

Percentage of actual less late trips less early starts to all trips on average in any Contract Month. All trips not departing within 5 minutes of schedule shall be regarded as late or early. (*Re-Asses after 6 months after Phase 2 Bedding in Period)
95.00% 99.32%

Dedicated Feeder & Distribution Service Vehicle Age

Percentage of Vehicles having less than 10 years to the total number of vehicles. The ratio shall not be less than the Target performance for more than five consecutive days.
98.00% 72.80% X

PP3 - Customer Feedback Group


Passenger Satisfaction Survey (6 monthly)

Conduct and publish bi-annual satisfaction surveys
100% 100.00%

Customer Comments

Percentage of number of "comments/complaints" received less number of "comments/complaints" not receiving an initial response within 7 days to number of "comments/complaints" received.
98.00% 100.00%

Real Time Information Availability (PID's)

Passenger Information System availability: percentage of actual working time of equipment to the planned working time measured with the SCADA.
98.00% 99.30%

Timetable Availability

Percentage of "pass" records to all records. Surveys are undertaken by the Operator's staff using scoring cards to check that the proper information is displayed at the proper place, readable and up-to-date. It includes information provided on the Concessionaire website.
98.00% 99.92%

Availability of Access Control

Availability of access control equipment on average in any Contract Month. Percentage of actual working time of equipment to the planned working time measured with the SCADA.
97.00% 99.31%

Call Centre Accessibility

Percentage of entry calls reaching an operator on business days, from 5:30 to 20:30, on average in any Contract Month
90.00% 95.99%

PP4 - Security Group


Physical Security of Passengers

Incidents of assaults or bodily injury to any person whilst in the System resulting from the conduct of other persons in the System of a criminal nature, measured as a number of incidents per million passenger journeys (3 month Average)
1.00 0.00

Safety of Passengers Property

Incidents of loss of or damage to personal property belonging to any person whilst in the System resulting from the conduct of other persons in the System of a criminal nature (and not arising from an incident already taken into account in relation to S1), measured as a number of incidents per million passenger journeys (3 months Average)
1.44 0.00

PP5 - Cleanliness and damage Repair Group


Train Set Cleaning

Percentage of "Train Set Cleanliness audits" passed successfully to total number of audits performed. "Train Set Cleanliness audits" are performed by the Operator's staff using score cards including checking of : exterior Cleanliness, exterior graffiti , interior cleanliness, litter, interior graffiti, windows etching/scratching.
95.00% 100.00%

Train Set Condition

Percentage of "Train Set Condition audits" passed successfully to total number of audits performed. "Train Set Condition audits" are performed by the Operator's staff using score cards including checking of : interior condition, exterior condition, passenger, information Systems, ambiance.
95.00% 100,00%

Station Cleaning

Percentage of "Station Cleanliness audits" passed successfully to total number of audits performed. "Station Cleanliness audits" are performed by the Operator's staff using score cards including checking of: graffiti , litter, windows etching/scratching.
95.00% 100.00%

Station Condition

Percentage of "Station Condition audits" passed successfully to total number of audits performed. "Station Condition audits" are performed by the Operator's staff using score cards
95.00% 100.00%

Availability of Ticket Machines

Availability of ticket machines on average in any Contract Month. Percentage of actual working time of equipment to the planned working time measured with the SCADA.
98.00% 99.14%

System Infrastructure Condition

Percentage of "System Infrastructure Condition audits" passed successfully to total number of audits performed. "System Infrastructure Condition audits" are performed by the Operator's staff using score cards.
95.00% 100,00%

Feeder Vehicle Cleaning

Percentage of "Feeder Vehicle Cleanliness audits" passed successfully to total number of audits performed. "Feeder Vehicle Cleanliness audits" are performed by the Operator's staff using score cards including checking of : exterior Cleanliness, exterior graffiti , interior cleanliness, litter, interior graffiti, windows etching/scratching.
95.00% 99.70%

Feeder Vehicle Condition

Percentage of "Feeder Vehicle Condition audits" passed successfully to total number of audits performed. "Feeder Vehicle Condition audits" are performed by the Operator's staff using score cards.
95.00% 100,00%

Lift Availability

Availability of lifts on average in any Contract Month. Percentage of actual working time of equipment to the planned working time measured with the SCADA.
98.00% 99.81%

Escalator Availability

Availability of lifts on average in any Contract Month. Percentage of actual working time of equipment to the planned working time measured with the SCADA.
98.00% 96.10% x