Train Set Cleaning Percentage of "Train Set Cleanliness audits" passed successfully to total number of audits performed. "Train Set Cleanliness audits" are performed by the Operator's staff using score cards including checking of : exterior Cleanliness, exterior graffiti , interior cleanliness, litter, interior graffiti, windows etching/scratching.
95,00% |
100,00% |
✔ |
Train Set ConditionPercentage of "Train Set Condition audits" passed successfully to total number of audits performed. "Train Set Condition audits" are performed by the Operator's staff using score cards including checking of : interior condition, exterior condition, passenger, information Systems, ambiance.
95,00% |
100.00% |
✔ |
Station CleaningPercentage of "Station Cleanliness audits" passed successfully to total number of audits performed. "Station Cleanliness audits" are performed by the Operator's staff using score cards including checking of: graffiti , litter, windows etching/scratching.
95,00% |
100,00% |
✔ |
Station ConditionPercentage of "Station Condition audits" passed successfully to total number of audits performed. "Station Condition audits" are performed by the Operator's staff using score cards
98.98% |
99.17% |
✔ |
Availability of Ticket MachinesAvailability of ticket machines on average in any Contract Month. Percentage of actual working time of equipment to the planned working time measured with the SCADA.
95.00% |
99.17% |
✔ |
System Infrastructure ConditionPercentage of "System Infrastructure Condition audits" passed successfully to total number of audits performed. "System Infrastructure Condition audits" are performed by the Operator's staff using score cards.
95.00% |
100.00% |
✔ |
Feeder Vehicle CleaningPercentage of "Feeder Vehicle Cleanliness audits" passed successfully to total number of audits performed. "Feeder Vehicle Cleanliness audits" are performed by the Operator's staff using score cards including checking of : exterior Cleanliness, exterior graffiti , interior cleanliness, litter, interior graffiti, windows etching/scratching.
95.00% |
100,00% |
✔ |
Feeder Vehicle ConditionPercentage of "Feeder Vehicle Condition audits" passed successfully to total number of audits performed. "Feeder Vehicle Condition audits" are performed by the Operator's staff using score cards.
95.00% |
100,00% |
✔ |
Lift AvailabilityAvailability of lifts on average in any Contract Month. Percentage of actual working time of equipment to the planned working time measured with the SCADA.
98.00% |
99.38% |
✔ |
Escalator AvailabilityAvailability of lifts on average in any Contract Month. Percentage of actual working time of equipment to the planned working time measured with the SCADA.
98.00% |
98.80% |
✔ |