GMA Mandate and Structure​​​​

The primary objectives of the GMA is to​ ​​manage, co-ordinate and oversee the Gautrain Project.  To achieve this, the GMA must:​​

  • Assist the GPG in implementing the Gautrain​​ and achieving the Project's objectives;
  • ​​​​Act on ​​behalf of the GPG in managing the rela​tionship between the Province and the Concessionaire in terms of the Concession Agreement and ensur​e that the interests of the Province are protected
  • Enhance the integration of the Gautrain w​​ith other transport servic​es and Public Transport Plans;
  • Promote and maximise the Socio Economic Development and Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment objectives of the GPG in relation to the Ga​utrain;
  • Liaise with and promote cooperation between government structures in all three spheres of government in relation to the Gautrain;
  • Liaise with persons with an interest in the Gautrain Project;
  • Manage assets relating to the Gautrain and promote their preservation and maintenance;
  • Manage the finances of the Gautrain Project and the financial securities provided by the Concessionaire; and
  • Monitor the policy and legislative environment of the Gautrain Project.

Although the GMA’s primary mandate is to manage and oversee the Concession Agreement for the Gautrain Rapid Rail Link, it also assists the Province of Gauteng and other Organs of State in realising their integrated public transport and rail-related objectives. This includes planning and managing the determination of routes and preliminary design for provincial railway lines in terms of the Gauteng Transport Infrastructure Act (GTIA). In addition, the GMA may perform any other integrated public transport and rail-related duty, right or power that the MEC may delegate to the GMA, in line with the GTIA.



GMA's Purpose ​​

Transforming space, people and the economy through mobility


The GMA Board is the foundation of the GMA's corporate governance systems and is accountable and responsible for the GMA's performance. The Board retains effective control through a clear governance structure and has established committees to assist it.

The day-to-day management of the Agency is structured in such a way as to include independent adjudicators and internal auditors to ensure good governance. Other functions in the structure are finance, technical, and legal services, communication and marketing, information and communications technology and corporate services.
