News 2024

09 July 2024

The Gauteng MEC for Transport and Logistics, Kedibone Diale-Tlabela, has welcomed the decision by the Bombela Operating Company, and the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) to go back to the negotiating table, following a deadlock in wage negotiations.

“We are hopeful that the decision to return to the negotiating table will result in adopting an approach which balances the interests of the workers against the long-term stability and sustainability of the Gautrain,” said Diale-Tlabela.

On Monday, 08 July 2024, Bombela Operating Company workers affiliated with NUMSA commenced an indefinite strike due to a wage dispute. Bombela Operating Company moved quickly to implement contingency plans to ensure Gautrain services operate according to schedule while union members are engaged in the industrial action.

"We, as government and as the owner of the Gautrain system, our plea is for the two parties is to find a speedy resolution to the impasse. We believe that such differences can only be resolved in talks, given that the end result of an industrial action usually has unpleasant consequences for all parties involved,” said Diale-Tlabela.

“To commuters, even though Gautrain services have not been disrupted by the strike, we appreciate that news of industrial action can justifiably make you feel anxious and uncertain about the reliability of the service. We commit to continuing our role in urging the two parties to find a speedy resolution to the wage dispute,” Diale-Tlabela concluded.

Issued by the Gautrain Management Agency on behalf of the Gauteng MEC for Transport and Logistics.


Lesiba Mpya
Spokesperson for the MEC for Transport and Logistics

Albi Modise
Gautrain Management Agency, Senior Executive Manager: Communication and Marketing

08 June 2024

Fourteen years ago on the 8th of June 2010, the first Gautrain ride for commuters left Sandton Station for O.R. Tambo International Airport, just in time for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Since then, the Gautrain project has successfully completed approximately 192.8 million passenger trips.

“The idea of a high-speed rail network with an 80-kilometre route between the North, South, and East of the Gauteng Province, sounded like a pipe dream to many when the Gauteng Provincial Government announced it. Fourteen years later, 1500 staff are employed across operations and administration of the Gautrain project and we have managed to maintain an average of more than 90% availability and punctuality across all Gautrain services,” says Tshepo Kgobe, Gautrain Management Agency Chief Executive Officer.

The Gautrain’s transport network includes 10 stations that connect Johannesburg, Pretoria, Ekurhuleni and O.R. Tambo International Airport, 96 rail cars (24 x4 Electric Multiple Units), a fleet of 125 heavy haul busses, and 29 midibuses. “In many ways, the Gautrain is a trailblazer in the South African rail and public transport sector. It is the first and only rapid rail network in the country, and it was the first Public-Private Partnership (PPP) of its scale in South Africa when it was launched,” says Kgobe.

A new dawn beckons for the Gautrain. The current concession agreement between the Gauteng Provincial Government and the Bombela Concession Company comes to an end in 2026. The Gautrain Management Agency has already gone to market to invite bids for the next concessionaire. The new delivery partner will operate, maintain, modernise, innovate, and upgrade the current Gautrain system so that it continues to provide a safe and efficient public transport service.

“On the 14th anniversary of Gautrain’s launch, and in a year that South Africa marks 30 years of democracy and freedom, the Gautrain has proven to be more than just a transport project, it is playing a bigger role in Transforming Spaces, People and the Economy through Mobility. “The Gautrain has brought jobs, new skills, the easing of mobility for ordinary people, and major economic developments around stations,” says Kgobe.

It is estimated that R46 billion total GDP impact has been added to the Gauteng Provincial Government economy and a total of 245 000 jobs have been created due to property development induced by the Gautrain. Kgobe highlights that the Gautrain is a strategic national asset valued at R45 billion, and once the current concession expires at the end of its 19.5-year term, the costs of establishing this long-term asset will have been paid off, allowing the Post 2026 Gautrain Project to reap the economic benefits.

“With a shared vision and strong team effort, a dream of a world-class public transport system became a reality,” says Kgobe.



Albi Modise
Gautrain Management Agency, Senior Executive Manager: Communication and Marketing

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02 May 2024

Gautrain is once again a proud transport partner for the Annual South African Air Force (SAAF) Museum Air Show taking place at the Mobile Deployment Wing MDW (old Swartkop Air Force Base) on 04 May 2024 from 07:00 to 17:00.

Gautrain is offering a free midibus service for event ticket holders between Gautrain Centurion station and the Swartkop Air Force Base on the day of the event. The Gautrain Management Agency CEO, Tshepo Kgobe said ‘’Gautrain would like to reposition itself as a mobility of choice in the province as it supports various key events in the province, be it work, fun or even entertainment.”

“This partnership seeks to promote the use of public transport to access events while we enable communities to access the air force base and museum that ordinarily will not have access to. As Gautrain we understand our role as that of connecting society with the future that is waiting for them and opportunities that lie ahead of them. It is on that basis that we have partnered with the South African Air Force to enable our communities to bring kids to the marvel of flying and the possibility of new careers.” Kgobe concluded.

The following terms and conditions apply:

• The midibus users must present proof of tickets before gaining access to the Gautrain midibus.

• The MDW/Swartkop Air Force Base gates open at 07:00 and the event is scheduled to end at 17:00.

• The first Gautrain midibus is scheduled to leave the Gautrain Centurion station at 06:00, and the midibuses will rotate between the station

and venue in 30-minute slots.

• The last midibus will leave the air force base at 18:00 to ensure that no passenger is left behind.

• Drop-off/pick up point for the Gautrain midibus service will be at the main entrance of the MDW/Swartkop Air Force Base.

• Standard Gautrain train and parking fares; rules and Ts and Cs apply.



Albi Modise
Gautrain Management Agency, Senior Executive Manager: Communication and Marketing

Follow Gautrain on:

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•Call Centre – 0800 42887246
•SMS alert line – 32693

26 April 2024

Freedom of mobility is a fundamental right, and on the eve of Freedom Day, the Gautrain reaffirms its commitment to further enhance its system to ensure universal accessibility.

Speaking at the Transport Summit on Universal Accessibility in Ekurhuleni, President Cyril Ramaphosa highlighted that “the Gautrain has had level boarding on its trains since its inception,” making embarking and disembarking quick and easy for people with disabilities. The two-day conference which runs until today (26 April 2024), is tackling barriers that persons with disabilities face in accessing transportation services.

According to the Gautrain Management Agency CEO, Tshepo Kgobe, the Gautrain system was designed with accessibility at its heart. “There are wide entrance gates for people with mobility devices such as wheelchairs, lifts for easy access to the various platforms, and signage to indicate accessible seating on the train cars. Furthermore, every second bus has a wheelchair ramp and some midibuses are equipped with electronic wheelchair lifts. Hearing and sight-impaired passengers are provided for using colour contrasts, clear signage, high-quality lighting, and non-reflective surfaces. Service announcements are provided in audio as well as on visual information boards. Where applicable, tactile and audible guidance and warning systems are also in place,” says Kgobe.

To further enhance accessibility, the Gautrain will introduce a product specifically catering for people with disabilities. “We acknowledge that much more can be done, and will continue to engage organisations representing people with disabilities and listen to their suggestions on how we can make the Gautrain system more accessible,” said Kgobe. He added that the South African Guide-Dogs Association conducts mobility and orientation training on the Gautrain system for sight-impaired students using canes.

“We will continue to heed concerns or suggestions regarding issues of universal accessibility for people with disabilities. The Gautrain is an efficient, comfortable, and safe public transport service for all,” Kgobe concluded.



Albi Modise
Gautrain Management Agency, Senior Executive Manager: Communication and Marketing

Follow Gautrain on:

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•Call Centre – 0800 42887246
•SMS alert line – 32693

01 February 2024

Gautrain Management Agency’s new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Tshepo Kgobe, has assumed his role with effect from today, 1 February 2024.

The Gauteng MEC for Transport and Logistics, Kedibone Diale-Tlabela, announced the appointment of Kgobe as the next CEO in September 2023. Kgobe served as Chief Operating Officer at the Gautrain Management Agency (GMA) for the last four years. He succeeds William Dachs who stepped down at the end of his tenure on 31 January 2024.

Kgobe takes on the role of CEO at a time when the Agency has gone to market to invite bids for the next concessionaire to operate the Gautrain system, with the current contract with Bombela Concession Company coming to an end in 2026. The new delivery partner will operate, maintain, modernise, innovate, and upgrade the current Gautrain system so that it continues to provide a safe and efficient public transport service. Furthermore, the extension project to add 150-kilometre of rail network to the existing 80-kilometre Gautrain system is also taking shape. The route determination of Phase 1 of the proposed extensions from Marlboro Station to Little Falls Station has been finalised.

“The Gautrain Management Agency is a well-run entity that has over the past eleven years received clean audits and I have all the faith and trust that with Kgobe at the helm, the Agency will continue to scale higher levels of success. We wish him well in his new role and he has our full support in using the Gautrain as a vehicle for stimulating economic growth and job creation, promoting investment and new development,” said Diale-Tlabela.

Kgobe is an engineer with diverse technical expertise in infrastructure, energy, mining and the railway environment. He has extensive experience managing complex projects and operations. At the start of the Gautrain project, he was responsible for the engineering and project management of the trackwork subsystem.

“We want to maintain the high levels of operational efficiency and clean governance that have seen the Gautrain Management Agency record 11 consecutive clean audit outcomes. We also want to move the operations of the Gautrain Management Agency to be self-funding and self-sustaining by reducing the reliance on the fiscus,” said Kgobe.

According to Kgobe, the Agency’s multiple pronged strategy will enable it to become financially sustainable. “Firstly, we will look at property development in and around our stations, where we already have the rights to the land and want to partner with developers in developing that land. Gautrain Precincts will therefore become a hub for business, retail and social activities, supported by an integrated, accessible and affordable public transport system. Secondly, we are working on greening our operations and taking most of the station off the grid through solar power solutions and ensuring that most of our buses are powered by hydrogen. Furthermore, as we refurbish the trains post 2026, we will explore the possibility of developing them into hydrogen trains,” Kgobe explained.

“The Gautrain will become an even more integral part of people's daily lives and the mobility of choice in the province, not only for work, business and school, but also for large-scale social, sport and lifestyle events, and places of fun and entertainment. This is in line with the Agency’s purpose to transform spaces, people and the economy through mobility, Kgobe concluded.

The MEC also welcomed the new Gautrain Management Agency Board, whose term came into effect from 1 January 2024, chaired by Prof. Mfanelo Patrick Ntsobi.


To watch the new CEO’s full message on Gautrain’s future plans, click here:


Albi Modise
Gautrain Management Agency, Senior Executive Manager: Communication and Marketing

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•SMS alert line – 32693
